Doggos: Forever Home is a racing game where you and your friends are dogs who were sprung from the pound trying to find your Forever Home! Meanwhile you are trying to escape the pesky dog catchers and hijinks that your other doggo buddies play on you.

Be the first to find your Forever home!

The Story:

Our dogs were trapped in the slammer for just a bit too long. They knew their time was coming up soon, and they needed to get out. It just so happened that one Fink the Rat came by their kennels one evening and made a bargain with them.
His whiskers bounced as he said, “I’ll spring ya if you get me some food when you’re out.”

The dogs knew they had very little choice but to escape. They didn’t know exactly what happened to dogs that didn’t find their forever home, but they knew they disappeared and never came back. They accepted his offer.

That night the dogs were roused by the skittering claws of Fink and a clanging coming from a key he dragged with his tail. He climbed the wire enclosure and unlocked each of their doors. He then led them to a loosened vent that they squeezed through.

Once on the outside he said to them, “Alright Doggos, you are out of the slammer, but you owe me a debt. Once it’s paid you can find your forever home! Good luck ya mutts!”

The dogs behind the game

In case you didn’t know, the doggos in the game represent real dogs in life. They served as some of the best partners we could hope for and living or in their past lives!

All dogs deserve a forever home! We encourage you and your families to consider adoption as a primary choice when selecting your new family member!

Bear: Poodle

Ellie: German Shepherd

Layla: Pit Bull

Link: Labrador Retriever

Mz. Valentyne: Chihuahua

Sasha: Boxer

These doggos are near and dear to our hearts. Some have moved on to the skies, while others are still serving as great companions.


The Rules

Learn to play Doggos: Forever Home with our simple downloadable rules sheet.

A Special Thanks:

Without folks to test the game in it’s rawest forms we couldn’t make this happen. A special thanks goes out to these individuals:

Alex B. Michael S. Brian B. Doug L. Paris R. Keith W. Desiree W. Joe Patricia S. Alison C. Jeffery C. Chris W. Adam R. Matt R.